
Stem Cell Course in Ophthalmology

We welcome you to Stem Cell Course in Ophthalmology in historic city İstanbul, Turkiye .

The idea behind this course is to bring together the most prestigious doctors with new ophthalmology practices involving regenerative surgery techniques.

This course will be open for ophthalmologist whose clinical practice is ready for upgrading to the regenerative world.

We will offer one full day of “Live” surgery in the theatre on state-of-the art regenerative techniques, parallel with a unique “Introductory Session” with hands-on for newcomers to this exciting new subspecialty. You will be supervised by professors with at least 10 years of experience in both clinical and laboratory in stem cells.

The social activities will include historical tours, gourmet tasting options with convivial meals and a welcome dinner in Bosphorus.

Registration via tel: +994103115055 (Whatsapp)